Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gimp changing the interface language back into English

So today, I installed Gimp to play with some pictures.
I'm using Vista by the way....yes...can't wait to change the OS.

Anyhow, go to C:\Users\<User Name>\.gimp-<version>
It's a hidden folder so you have to set the folder option to show hidden folders.
Delete .gimp-<version> folder.
Start Gimp, it should be in English.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wordpress Contact Form Problem: Mail Not Sent

I've used Contact Form 7 Plugin for my website contact form.
Installation, super easy.
Sending email, super easy....but

I had this problem.
I see a response message “Your message was sent successfully” with green border, but I never receive a mail for that.
Which was exactly an FAQ at Contact Form 7 site.

I know the cause can vary according to your server.
In my case, the reason was postfix wasn't working.

So I typed the following command, and everything works fine.
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix start
sudo /sbin/chkconfig postfix on

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to hide a page from menu in Wordpress

Since I set a static page called "Welcome" as "HOME".
In my menu, I see "HOME" and "Welcome".

Well, this is quite annoying and makes the page less professional.
I used the following plugin to work around this problem.
It let me exclude a page from showing up in menu.

Exclude Pages Plugin

configuring sun-java6-jre license screen: can't press

I'm still struggling my way through with Ubuntu Linux.
I was installing java6-jdk with the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

Then, configuring sun-java6-jre license screen shows up.
It has <ok> but I couldn't figure out how to select it.

The solution was Press <TAB> and then Press <Enter>.

Well, this was really annoying....

Wordpress Admin Login Page URL

I just started using Wordpress for my friends website.
I changed a theme, then, I lost access to the Admin page.
Here's the URL.

If the website can be accessed  using the following URL

Then, the Admin login page is at the following URL