Tuesday, December 21, 2010

SVN client for Eclipse

So I've again started developing android apps seriously.
I haven't used SVN since I moved into Mac OS X.

I'm using Eclipse Helios(Eclipse 3.6) now.
I've decided to go ahead with subclipse svn client since I've used it before.
To install it, go to Help => Eclipse Marketplace...
Then, search for Subclipse, I'm sure you'll find it there.

Here's the subclipse page just for reference.

Ok, here's further notes on how to use svn on Mac OS.
When I tried to upload my source code, it didn't work.
Basically I was missing svn....yes, very embarassing.
So I downloaded and installed MacPorts using binary edition.
Then, I did self update using the following command.
sudo port -v selfupdate

Then, I installed svn client using the following command.
sudo port install subversion

Even after that, I couldn't use subclipse.
I kept on getting some weired JavaHL errors and couldn't proceed to share my project using svn.
The solution was right in subclips wiki page.

Basically, I downloaded and installed the OSX package that is provided on openCollabNet.
Then, I modified .profile, just adding one liner (export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH) just as instructed on the completion page of the svn installer.

Now, I can finally get down to coding and sharing the project!!! YEAH!!!

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